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How do you make your art more visible and saleable in rural New England? Landscape painter Rebecca M. Fullerton will share how she has built an audience in her tiny town without a huge social media following, just a couple of small galleries, a simple website and one miniscule mailing list. She will share simple ways to market your art in real life and online, participate in fairs and other live events, and find the opportunities that are right for your art practice. If you need ideas and motivation to start promoting your work when it feels like you've only been shouting into the wilderness, this is the workshop for you.
Artist Marketing in the Middle of Nowhere will take place on Tuesday, April 8th from 1:00 - 3:00 pm at The Gallery at WREN, 2011 Main Street, Bethlehem.
About the instructor: Rebecca M. Fullerton is a landscape painter and archivist. In 2018, she returned to New Hampshire after many years in Boston, choosing Bethlehem in part because of the vibrant arts community in the area. Living in the North Country, she has dedicated her art practice to depicting the White Mountains in oils and watercolor. She has a deep love of mountain history and conservation, hiking, trail running, and kayaking.